Simple plume sprinkler / Water blaster (print in place)

This is a simple "Plume" sprinkler / myster / water blaster thingie.
updated April 26, 2020



Fine drops, but also quite high flow.
Inside also well designed, can be printed without supports, but needs good bridging.
ideaMaker sliced it as two separate objects, which resulted in smoe small leaks.

Funciona muy bien, great work.

Printed fine. Have to test it.

Works surprisingly well. Making more to place in my garden. Printed on Ender 3 Max with eSun PLA+

Nice print. Maybe I should have a chosen a place where my lawn looks better.

Printed well, can't wait to try it out when Winter ends.

I'm in the USA and my garden hose has a male thread on it. Would you be willing to make a model with 3/4 female thread? I'm printing an adapter now to use it in the garden.

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