PC Board Motif - Custom Light Switch Wall Plate

Inspired by one on Thingiverse by macavoya. Light Switch cover plate that looks like it's a printed circuit board.
updated October 27, 2022



With inspiration gained from mcavoya's PCB Light Switch Cover on Thiungiverse, thing:5584119, I decided to design mine a bit differently. Whereas he had the PC board traces indented on the face of the plate so it could be printed face down with no supports, I elected to go the other direction and have the PC traces extruded a bit and made the underside cavity for the light switch just large enough to clear the switch. That way I could use "Tree Supports" in my slicer but not have them so numerous that they became a pain to remove. The results turned out reasonable

I printed it with a green background and gold traces to sort of mimic a normal printed circuit board with plated traces and green solder masked ground plane (background). It came out tolerable but not perfect as you can see in the photograph. It is, however, usable.

 2 printed examples, 1 with a green background & gold traces and the second one with a red background & bronze colored traces. 

Printer settings - .2mm/layer and you can switch colors at 6.2mm or Layer 31 to print it with a trace color different from the background (PC board substrate).

Material I used was FilaCube PLA2 in Red or Greenery for the background and Gold for the traces on the original.  I used some off brand in Bronze for a second iteration of the trace color.


Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
