Lithophane Lamp

Create a permanent display of your treasured photographs or print a stunning gift for your friends and family in 100%…
updated April 23, 2020



thanks for this great design!
There are two things missing: First the mentioned "lampshade support ring" is not within the files.
Second the "frame intermediate corner" parts can not be pushed in the "frame upright" parts as the connects are missing.
Both issues can be seen on the original files attached to the design.

Could you please update the design accordingly and add the missing parts?

Jindřich Zouhar@JindrichZouha_497972lampička se moc líbí .ale pro své potřeby jsem si ji ještě trochu upravil . Celá lampička je slepená a ze spodu jsem ji upravil tak abych mohl kdykoliv odšroubovat a vyměnit žárovku

I printed in PLA (Overture white and Black) but slightly changed it. No base and different size.
I used a fire LED lamp as the photos are of my son fighting forest fires.

The LED light I used.

Thank you for a well-documented print. (edited)

hi.. perfect Lithophane Lamp.. where is stl lampshade support ring..?

@shaharhoze_140740 I used Les's stl files but adjusted the size. I made my bottom, and on the top, it's open, thus allowing you to place the lamp. I used no support. I hope this answers your question.

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