16 x 16 LEGO compatible MILS

Lego MILS is a building standard for modular displays and cities.
updated November 8, 2022



Part of learning CAD, decided to model up a 16 x 16 MILS template.  I have not converted my city to MILS, but may do in future. Prints should be under 150grams, which is way cheaper than the going rate for bulk bricks to waste underneath the visible part of your city.  I teardropped all the holes too, so that they should print without needing to be tidied up for the technic pins.  Versions that use a regular lego plate on top use even less plastic and print faster.

I have made versions that use regular technic pins, or axles, and have made versions that will use a regular 16x16 plate as a top, and ones that allow for colour coding on the corners if you need that too.  Feel free to hit me up for any one offs, or original CAD files for you to play with.

This remains untested as a whole so if you do print it with a dialled in printer, let me know if you're having issues.  I have tested the studs and holes on their own, they fit and have clutch power.  This was tested on my dialled in Voron 0.1 in PETG.

Have added two more minimalist ideas, the one without axles I have tested and it sandwiches nicely between a baseplate and a regular plate and uses just over 40 grams.  Probably the most efficient as you've likely already got the baseplates from modulars, and plates aren't too hard to come by for the top which will be your new modular base.  You can still colour code the corners with this one, or, you can leave them empty, or use bricks to join your modules to make a giant thick base.

I print Lego compatible stuff like BURPs in PETG as it has more give than the original blocks and will yield rather than damage the expensive stuff.


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The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.


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