Tazmanian Devil - Onepiece

Tazmanian Devil, commonly referred to as Taz is from Warner Bros.' Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies cartoons.
updated October 20, 2022



Tazmanian Devil, commonly referred to as Taz is from Warner Bros.' Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies cartoons.

This is a onepiece version of Taz based on my multi-part Tazmanian Devil model that I've previously posted.

I teamed up with maker/designer Jonathan Turner  (Printables user ID: https://www.printables.com/social/405211-notpromisedtomorrow/about) for this project.  

I converted my multi-part model to a onepiece model for SLA and FDM printing.  Jonathan used the model at the size I posted it for his SLA printer.


**For FDM amd SLA printing:**
Size the STL file as needed for your purpose and add Slicer supports.

Paints that Jonathan used for this model:

Brown - Citadel's Mournfang Brown
Tan - Citadel's Morghast Bone
Red - Citadel's Khorn Red
White and Black - Daler Rowney white and black
The Tornado is washed with Citadels Nuln Oil
The base is Citadel's Warpstone Glow with Citadel's Warp Lightning Contrast paint and then dry brushed with the Warpstone Glow and then Moot Green



Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.


Highlighted models from creator

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