Spice Carousel

Stackable spinning spice rack for all of your loose spices!
55h 2m
16× print file
0.30 mm
0.15 mm
0.40 mm
768.00 g
updated April 16, 2020



Stackable spinning spice rack for all of your loose spices! Get that mess of spice bottles organized so you can stop searching every time you want a spice, or put bagged spices into bottles so you can use them more easily. Bottle included.

More photos of the printed parts will be added shortly.

Print instructions

Please be sure to repair the bottle racks if the STL has degenerated facets. TurboCAD 18 doesn't export the prettiest STLs unfortunately :( You'll know if there was a problem when you slice because layers may be missing. Fixing with netfabb takes care of it nicely :) The bottle screw top has a slot to slide in a piece of paper with the spice name so that it's easy to see.

The spice bottle shaker lid should be printed with Detect Thin Walls enabled, but NOT the other parts.

The bottle threads come out beautifully at 0.15 mm layer height (0.2 mm would probably work too, but 0.3 mm, not so much), no supports needed, but use a support enforcer block if possible to support the overhang on the screw top. Just the outer edge. Don't want to have to spend forever digging support material out of the slot!

The support arms are a nice press fit, but make sure they're nice and clean otherwise force may be required. Make sure the first layer sticks well, especially the little end of the dovetail since it's really small.

Recommended settings (provided GCODE files use these):

Layer height (except bottle parts): 0.3 mm
Layer height (bottle parts): 0.15 mm
Infill: 10% (optional except tower)
Supports: Only overhangs, not threads
Elephant foot compensation: 0.2 mm (NOT support arms)

The support arms, turntable, legs, and coupler can be printed together if desired, but I recommend that the tall parts be printed separately to reduce stringing and inclusions on the surface of parts. However, printing parts together with the tall parts will save a significant amount of time if you aren't worried about stringing because you've figured out your filament retraction for PETG or you use another material like PLA.

Happy printing (and cooking)!


Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
