HEXO mask - quick universal protection

Flexible and durable. The method of folding the mask causes a perfect fit to the face and nose. Simple disinfection.
2h 52m
9× print file
0.30 mm
0.40 mm
35.00 g
updated April 16, 2020



Flexible and durable. The method of folding the mask causes a perfect fit to the face and nose. Simple disinfection. Folded and unfolded in seconds. As a filter you can use any piece of fabric, paper as well as a scarf or handkerchief. Tightly adheres to the face. All elements used in the mask (except HEXO) should be disposable. Also rubber bands. Printed with 3-4 g of PET-G material. Several minutes of printing. 0.5 mm thick. More details on pictures.

Print instructions

3 designs and 3 sizes. You can additionally scale in XY planes for better fit. The basic model has dimensions of 200x150x0.5 mm. Two layers in print - 0.2 mm + 0.3 mm. You can speed up the first layer by 50% (or more?). 4 masks can be printed on a 300x300 mm surface. In general, the simplified model can be cut on CNC devices.


Model origin

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