Trying to model the origin of containerization in n-scale, I’m of course liked to have a model of the famous Scammell mechanical horse and/or the Scarab:
There are fine models available for both from Oxford-Diecast:
unfortunately the trailer doesn’t fit to containers available from PECO or Graham Farish (it’s a little to short), so I created my own trailer for them.
In the next step I used the fine model of timbologist:
and adapted it to n-scale, fitting connections to my trailer.
I gave special attention to the famous and for its time very progressive Scammell-coupling:
So there is a version of the mechanical horse already with the coupling – this is made, in case you like to show the horse/trailer on road only – and there is a version without the coupling. The coupling can be mounted below the trailer and there is a version of the coupling, to be clipped on the mechanical horse. So with the “MechHorse_alone”, a trailer and the both version of “fore_wheels” (coupling) you would have maximum flexibility for your scene.
At the end there is also a driver for the mechanical horse.
For windows I used Micro Kristal Klear:
but then the driver becomes hardly visible.
All models sized for British n-scale (1:148).
Conversion values:
Continental N-scale, 1:160 -> 92.5%
TT-gauge, 1:120 -> 123%
HO-gauge, 1:87 -> 170%
OO-gauge, 1:76 -> 195%
The author remixed this model.