Size 5 feed for sport fountain pens

A feed designed to fit in a sport fountain pen to enable the use of standard bock size 5 nibs
updated October 12, 2022



A feed designed to fit in a sport fountain pen to enable the use of standard bock size 5 nibs. 

The feed features an ink snorkel design meaning that only the tip of the feed needs to be submerged in ink when filling making the process tidier. 

This is designed to be printed end-on, directly on the build plate. As such it requires a well tuned printer with pre-exposure delay appropriately increased. If using a chitu-powered printer UVtools is necessary to create an empty first layer. 

Using the right resin and exposure times is needed to allow the ink channels to print properly - they are 150um wide each, so around 3 pixels of a standard desktop printer. 

Alternatively you can try to carve them out afterwards with something like a feeler guage, but I suspect that wouln't end up very clean. 



I used anycubic grey ABS-like+ resin , with a 2 base layers each exposing for 2.5x the standard layer exposure and no transition layers. This was supplemented by a 30sec wait time before cure for the base layers afnd a 5-15 second wait ime for the remaining layers, using UVtools' ‘wait time before cure’ function to vary it depending on how loaded the build plate is. 



Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
