The 3 included files take the place of the original model files SRB_Mid_L_White_x1 & SRB_Mid_R_White_x1. I split the middle part in half, so that the MMU print took a little less time. The srb_mid_l_r_white_x1_WormLogo.3mf file is the MMU file, the other 2 can simply be printed white.
You'll also need an additional 2 pieces of the SRB_Jonction_White_x5 part to combine the 2 new left and right pieces together. You can also print 2 less of the SRB_Ring_Black_x16 pieces as I incorporated those into the MMU print.
I printed the entire model at 200% scale, but the included files match the original model's scale. They should print fine at that scale, but I did not test it.
The author remixed this model.