A few months back, we introduced a kitten to our household, and quickly found out how much she loves to climb. Unfortunately, several shelves around the house also have breakable objects that we didn't want the cat introducing to the concept of gravity. My initial solution was to tape large pieces of cardboard to the ends of the shelves, but that wasn't all that aesthetically pleasing. So I designed this in Blender.
I printed these in white PETG, though I'm sure PLA would be fine. After printing (and preferably while it is still warm) carefully bend the flap down in order to have the tiny spikes along the side. These spikes are not sharp enough to hurt but definitely don't feel nice to touch. Our cat investigated the newly modified shelf for all of 20 seconds, decided that she could not jump up without touching the spikes, and gave up. Victory for us!
No cats where harmed in the making/deployment of this product.
UPDATE 10/17/2022: It appears someone has eventually gotten too smart for my design. Oh well. It worked for a little while, at least.
The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.