For attaching single steel objects to your clipboard. Rather than using a long clip which uses up a lot of space, this only uses one hole and can hang a single tool or object.
Pegboard must have ¼" holes
It uses 10x5x3mm magnets (which aren't really those dimensions) with poles on the wide faces and 2 pieces of a mini hacksaw blade as the magnetic field concentrators. I use a worn or broken blade which is 6.25mm wide, breaking off 9.5mm (the width of the magnet) in a small vice or a pair of flat pliers. Although the magnets will work on their own, the holding force is about 4 times greater if you add the field concentrating metal strips.
Place the magnet between the 2 pieces of hacksaw blade so that they are on the N and S poles then insert into the holder. Now insert the holder into the pegboard.
It MUST be tight else it will pull out when you remove the tool, if not tight apply some glue when you insert it.
The short sections of the blade should protrude past the magnet slightly, 0.25 to 0.5mm so that the pole pieces that concentrate the magnetic flux come into contact with the tool you are attaching to the clip. They should also NOT be recessed into the holder so that they make direct contact with the tool and hold it firmly
Because the blade teeth are a little wider than the rest of the blade, flatten them before you break the pieces off. I hammered them lightly and ground the sharp edges off with a Dremel to make if fit easier.
Use the Step file to change the plug part if your pegboard holes are different or if your magnets are different. TinkerCAD should do this easily if you don't want to use a more sophisticated CAD package
If your holes are getting loose then you might prefer the curved pin version
Too loose? add some CA glue to the pin
The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.