Hi! Remix of the Bambu Lab Aux Fan Saver (Version 1_1) by @thrutheframe that expands the inboard mounting hole location to be able to install the second self-tapping screw that was in that location during shipment.
Note I wasn't able to match the chamfers exactly since I was working with a STL that my software doesn't edit very easily, but the remix is effective and both screws engage.
Tip: I used double sided adhesive strips, that you would typically use to attach wall hooks, to “shim” the print for a snug fit with the fan. I only used one side of the strip to stick to the print and didn’t peel the side facing the fan. The fan isn’t attached perfectly level from the factory so I needed to offset the strips a bit for my specific application. The strips aren’t visible once the print is installed.
Good luck, happy printing!
The author remixed this model.