Somewhat Accurate TNG Starfleet Combadge V1 - 2360s

An old attempt to recreate the TNG Combadge to a fine-toothed accuracy. I think it still holds up well!
updated January 10, 2023





This model was painstakingly recreated by me in 2020 on Thingiverse, then taken down by THAT big three letter company. Let's try this again, shall we?

This is an attempt to build the ultimate badge from the 2360s/Next Gen-era shows (All of TNG and early DS9.) After countless pieces of reference and primary sources for the real combadges made for the show, I've created what I believe to be the closest, most accurate representation of the combadge from the show, at least from what I could make in 2020. I intend to make another round of this badge eventually with some new material I've acquired, but in the meantime, I hope you'll have fun messing with this!

Two badges are included in the download. "export_finalHardEdgesv1.stl" is based off as close of reference material as I could find, including a casting of a real badge, but may not be accurate in all cases. I've also included "export_softEdge_oldModel.stl" which is the latest version of my previous attempt, which in hindsight is not too accurate but was based off a single picture of another badge. There is variance in a lot of the screen used badges, so variance between these really is normal. I'd recommend the hard edges badge as it's more complete and comes out cleaner!

Credits and License

This model was based off the hard work of the original production team, and was made as a labor of love to archive and protect the original design by Rick Sternbach. My research hasn't revealed the original sculptor of the badge, but I know that several badges were sculpted by Max Cervantes on TNG-onward, so credit to him unless corrected. And of course, credit to the Prop Department on Star Trek: The Next Generation, of whom a variety were involved in replicating these badges.

I claim no license to this design. This was not produced with the permission of anyone in particular. All Rights Reserved to CBS Entertainment Group and Paramount Global.


When designing this badge, I wanted to replicate the exact measurements of the real deal badges from the show. So, you need to account for some sanding in the post process. If using a harsher sanding process, make sure to extrude the model out a bit so that it's more accurate after processing.

On the show, they would allegedly use Krylon Bright Gold and Krylon Dull Aluminum to paint, with Sharpie covering the sides of the delta (the pointy bits) and outlining the inner section of the delta by about millemeter. For accuracy, the badges were never perfectly clean, so it's actually okay if you mess it up a bit or the paint falls off! For a more clean look, however, I'd recommend painting on the black rather than using a Sharpie Paint Pen. More detailed instructions on the painting procedure can be found in the "Sources" section below, by QuasiOdo of the RPF.

Some Other Details

I've tried to be as accurate as possible to the original badge made for the show, which was a painted piece of molded resin that had a section cut out using a dremil in the back so that they could stick some hook-and-loop flush in the model. Then there was another section of hook and loop to match that on the shirt. I've included some reference photos which are (apparently) all real combadges from the show.

The biggest difficulty is trying to match something this small that was never 100% the same. The badges changed between the first couple seasons (where they seemed to use a darker bronze look for the gold part of the badge) and the later seasons (where they used a brighter bronze that looks almost gold in the right light.) As for the shapes, I don't have a real one in front of me, so I've had to guesstimate it based off the photos I'm looking at, but I'm pretty happy with this one from most angles. I've mostly gone by touch, feel, and sight, though I do have an official badge from Hollywood Pins (Majel Barrett-Roddenberry's company) which are apparently super accurate to the show except for the thickness since they are molded out of pewter.

In my last update to the model, I'd acquired a replica badge from Xscapes Sci-Fi Props cast from an original badge, so I was able to get measurements down to the micrometer! However, the thing to remember is that this is a replica of just one type of badge. Some other badges seem to have thicker lines overall, or a different shape entirely (see my references for this.) Also, a key thing to note is that a lot of screen used combadges have softer edges all around, which I figure is down to either age or the oils on the actor's skin rubbing off the edges of the badge as they slap it each time to communicate.

In any case, this should be a solid replica that anyone at home can download and print right away!

Reference Material




Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
