A mirror of the files for Precious Plastic's Shredder. All files are property of Stichting One Army. Additional information on building this machine is available at their site.
The .SMT and .SAT files weren't uploaded to the assembly folder because the site doesn't support those file types, but they are available as a zip file in the ‘other files’ section.
Precious plastic does not guarantee the safety, reliability, durability and performance of any of the information in the download kit. Furthermore, Precious Plastic accepts no liability whatsoever for the safety, reliability, durability and performance of any machines, systems, prototypes, etc that are built as a result of the information in the downloadkit. Building any of the machines or applying any of the content in the download kit is at the sole discretion of the user, and Precious Plastic is not liable for any decision made or action taken as a result of the information in the download kit.
License Summary
Precious Plastic is open source in the sense that we share all the information, code, drawing and source material online, for free. However, all of our content is licensed by Stichting One Army under a Creative Commons Attribution - Sharealike International 4.0. License (CC BY-SA 4.0)
The user re-uploaded this model. The user is not the original author of the model.