This model allows you to make automated spiders or anything else that is light enough to move with an ungeared 28BYJ-48 stepper move up and down. It's designed to hook to ½ inch schedule 40 PVC, but you can hook it to whatever you like. I run multiple steppers and spiders off a single RPi 2040, but you can use whatever you like. I'll provide links to some circuitpython code, micropython code, that allows you to move these.
5v ULN2003 28BYJ-48 stepper and driver boards can be found for $3 per stepper making them the perfect cheap project motor.
Link to Stepper:
It's tough to find RPi Pico 2040's at times, but any CircuitPython, Arduino, or other board will do..
Links to Boards that are easy to work with:
RPi 2040(up to 4 spiders per board):
QT Py 2040(control a single):
Video of it in action:
Link to the Spiders I use:
CircuitPython Code that drives 4x steppers:
The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.