Works great!

Maybe my cable is shorter but I cannot turn the end to the slot as in the example picture. Works great nonetheless.
doesnt fit?!
Enough pics, so just thx. Fits perfectly.
Do not fit my case i got with the 64gb version. Case and deck are from November 2023. Looking at others, they all seem to have same issue. It does not go into the bottom of the case. It leaves almost 5mm space there. (edited)
The OLED model also fits! Just need to wrap it differently cuz the cable is longer!
@AnakinTrashw_1901539 You got it to fit on the oled version. how did you wrap it
@EarlBarton_1880739 wrap regularly until you have appx a bit less than one full loop of wire left (pic 1). then do the U turn across the inner part (pics 2-3)