--------!- These are not meant to be printed as is -!-------- As with my other weapon sets, these are to be used to…
updated August 27, 2022



--------!- These are not meant to be printed as is -!--------

As with my other weapon sets, these are to be used to customize and make your own 28mm miniatures with! Edit them, re-scale, remesh and sculpt details onto them, do with them as you wish!

If you make anything with these, please share! I'd love to see your work. The licensing is Creative Commons - Attribution, so use these -any- way you'd like, but please credit me at the very least~

The OBJ version will be pre-separated; the STL file will need to have the components separated either through 'shell separation', or in Blender use Separate->Loose parts.

A thicker versions of most of these swords is included, use whichever one you feel will print or look better in your project

If you liked these models and want to help support me make more, consider buying me a coffee!

or consider becoming a patron! Become a Patron!

Or you can buy one of my premium model sets on Gumroad!


I received a comment asking to model a sword known as the Giant's Knife, and when looking into it, I found out that there were two versions of that, so I covered all of my bases and decided to do a few more video game and pop culture swords, as well as a -completely normal- kitchen knife. Hope I fulfilled that part of your request well enough!

Let me know what you might like to see next in the comments!

Category: Toy & Game Accessories


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation. Imported from Thingiverse.


Highlighted models from creator

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