Redesigned original Biqu H2 base to Biqu B1. It supports the entire bed, and the location of the BL-Toch sensor allows for almost full bed sampling.
The 4020 fan cools the throat radiator more efficiently, and an additional mounting point stabilizes our H2 horizontally. The fan base is not mine. I provide for a complete set.
16.09.2022 - Mount upgrade. More space for cables on the adapter board and additional mounting on the cable guide. In addition, there is an enlarged space to route the stepper's power cables and fans.
20.09.2022 - BL-Touch adapter added for 3510 fan. Not yet tested!
BL-Touch offset: x_offset: -8, y_offset: -23
08.03.2023 - Thanks to @mavras who corrected it, I added a bracket to the Biqu B1 with an old style cart, not a flat one. And better fitting fan base, new bl-touch mount for 3510 fan.
Attention! bl-touch_v2 is only compatible with 3510_fan_v2. New BL-Touch offset: x_offset: -6.5, y_offset: -25
The author remixed this model.