Bed Leveling Squares

As the name describes. they are to help you level your bed. 60mm,100mm,120mm. you can make them bigger if you want
updated August 21, 2022



Start small with 60mm then on to the larger squares.



Easy and simple to use leveling square. in 60,100 and 120mm. These are to help dial in your z offset. I recommend your first set up on your z offset you use a folded piece of printer paper as it is 0.22mm (+/-) 0.02mm. After you set it up with the paper you adjust your z offset by 0.02 increments until you reach a better first layer. it obviously works with any filament I suggest use some cheap or long enough scraps to do this. if for some reason you still can't get this to work for you there might be some other factors preventing you from getting a good first layer (if you are using an ender it can be a few thing fw, the glass bed with perforations, sagging x gantry) to name a few for the ender series   


Good luck 


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