The IKEA SKÅDIS pegboard is very useful to organise my 3D printing related stuff, such as filament spools, benchies in different colours and a variety of tools. Here on Printables you can find all kinds of great custom SKÅDIS compatible designs. But because the designs differ (round, square, with or without a brim, etc.) the overall picture can become a bit messy. In addition, for me it turned out to be less convenient to use a separate holder for each piece of tool, it seemed more suitable to combine different tools in one holder to save space.
For my Swivel Tray Box design I created a customisable box in OpenSCAD which I could reuse as SKÅDIS compatible (tool) boxes. It's a simple box with rounded edges with SKÅDIS hooks on the backside. The images give some examples of different variations.
The SkadisBox.scad file is the most important, with which you can create a STL of your own configuration. The STL files provided are some basic examples, maybe one of them suits your need, if not, create your own using the SkadisBox.scad file.
The OpenSCAD file contains many options for modifying the design. Not only the dimensions of the box, but also the layout and height of the compartments, the thickness of the outer and inner walls and the roundness of the corners. Although the code does some input validation on the parameters which can be set, make sure to check the rendered design, especially when using small dimensions. All the configurations in the photos are included in the file, merely as inspiration, because most of the models are specific to my personal setup. If you're new to modifying an OpenSCAD file, online you can find lots of tutorials, like this one. Playing around with an existing project is a good way to learn the basics.
I printed several designs on my Original Prusa i3 MK3S+ in PLA with a 0.4 nozzle and 2mm layer height and 15% infill. Supports (everywhere) are needed for the hooks on the back side. Position the seams on the back side, for a clean front.
Please share your make to inspire others.
The author marked this model as their own original creation.