Most mounts available are not made for use with Volcano. This design has the BL touch mount height appropriate for the additional length of the Volcano.
The mounts that use the roller bolts to attach to the plate are not stable.
This mount is specifically designed for use with Ethereal Projects replacement extruder PCB board, but Version 2 can be used with the stock plate.
Some notes on this design:
To be printed with ASA or ABS. You can get away with PETG if you are not planning on printing anything above 200 degrees, but I would recommend ASA. If you haven't printed these materials on SWX1 - glass works great, but use ABS or ASA juice, not glue or slurry. Should be milky consistency. After bed levelling at 110 degrees, wait for the bed to cool down, paint the juice onto the glass, wait for it to dry, then print, preferably in a chamber, but not a heated chamber, SWX1 electronics will fry.
The Ethereal Project replacement extruder PCB has conveniently placed connector points for the BL Touch at the top of the plate. For the stock PCB, the LED connectors used, are located at the bottom. So, if you are using the stock PCB, you need to print version 2 which has a groove for the cables to run behind the extruder body, down to the connectors. If your stock PCB has not fried yet, it soon will. Buy your replacement PCB here:
The PCB_plate attaches to the Base with some M3 screws into some M3 heat-set inserts. There's a video down below on how to do that.
Do not use SHCS screws to attach the PCB plate, as the heads will knock onto the attachment point of the belts on the steel plate. Use flat rounded head screws
You will need some supports over the area where the PCB plate attaches - please see attached picture for print orientation.
Probe offset is 0 on the X axis, 26.78 on the Y axis, and I find -3.16 on the Z axis is a good starting point, depending on your build plate, heat block and nozzle. Please reset your Z offset yourself, I am not responsible for any damage.
You can use this mount with the V6 without a BL touch. I will upload another version with a higher mount for the BL touch with use on V6.