After printing the integrated auto-rewind spool holders for my lack enclosure I needed a method to hold the PTFE tubes for the MMU. Christian provided a very useful design but I was too lazy to get some pneumatic connectors so I designed a version that works as a clamp similar to the other end of the tubes on the MMU. It is designed to use 2 M3x12 to M3x15 screws and nuts. The hole for the M3 screws could be slightly larger but they fitted okay for me.
These are best printed with the bottom down for the bottom component and the top down for the top component. Unfortunately I didn't orient them correctly in Fusion 360.
EDIT: Just a quick note, the V2 version of the top has a 1mm gap between top and bottom to allow for better clamping pressure on the PTFE tubes.
The author remixed this model.
Reduced the height a little of the top clamp to allow more clamping pressure.