17 Squares

17 1 unit squares and a 4.7 unit square, to fiddle around with packing squares in squares.
1× print file
0.25 mm
0.40 mm
5.00 g
updated August 11, 2022



This is a tool to provide a physical example of packing 17 1x1 unit squares into a 4.7x4.7 unit square. It was inspired by this twitter exchange, which I came across on imgur:

The image used in that exchange was created by Erich Friedman and is available on his website. In theory, 17 unit squares can pack into a 4.675 unit square, but I wanted to give it a little leeway when printing.

The print seen in the photos used 0.25mm layer height, using Overture Matte Green, sliced in PrusaSlicer, and printed on a Prusa Mini+. Support and infill settings should have no effect.

To be honest, at this scale it's very fiddly to play with. The pieces have a tendency to overlap when pushed together. But hey, it's enough to hand to a friend and challenge them to get all 17 squares to fit!


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
