North Idaho Basin Topo Map

This is a highly detailed model of Kootenai County and the surrounding lakes, spanning North to the Canadian border…
25h 5m
1× print file
0.30 mm
0.40 mm
99.00 g
updated March 16, 2020



This is a highly detailed model of Kootenai County and the surrounding lakes, spanning North to the Canadian border and South to the tip of Lake Coeur D'Alene. This model encompasses lake Coeur D'Alene, Hayden Lake, Lake Pend Oreille, and Priest Lake, as well as surrounding mountain ranges.

The print file is for PLA, scaled to the build volume of the MK3S, with dynamic layer height enabled such that the base is printed at 0.3mm layer height and the topographical features are largely 0.07mm layer height for maximum detail.

Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
