My original plan was to make a print in place laptop stand. But my laziness got the better of me and I made a phone stand.
It is supposed to be parametric (it is to a degree, needs refinement).
I modeled custom modifiers for the inbuilt supports. One is there to print the custom supports and one is for forced supports. The support for modeled modifiers is one of the best features in Prusaslicer.
You will need to use some force to move the parts and to use it at highest force the leg the other way, so you can get it to the lowest hole.
The laptop version will happen, I just don't know when :D I will also release the Fusion 360 file.
Use the attached 3mf file and open it in Prusaslicer. Just leave the modifiers as they are and you should be good.
If you want to load it to the Prusaslicer yourself, load Stand v9 first, then add Modifier v9 and select Detect thin walls. And in the end load Modifier 2 v9 as support enforcer.
The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.