Customizable Telescope Stick

An extendable/portable stick.
updated August 11, 2024



There any chance you could upload the knob in a different format? can't seem to open it in either blender nor fusion 360. STL file would be fine too.
Love it btw, works better than expected <3

@YubashaTakeo_2317500 On my profile you can find a link on how to convert OpenSCAD and FreeCAD to STL. I have done this step for you now and uploaded an example STL file.

I can't extend i Is stuck. How can i extend it?

could you upload the files in another format like step or even 3mf or stl

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@dstarke that's why I asked for a step file, I need to customise it but my cad software doesn't work with scad. I don't know if you aren't able to upload step but you would be able to upload stl I would use it as a reference to redraw it.

@siera_mike_nov_84894 There you go. But honestly, I don't understand the issue. OpenSCAD is freely available for every major OS.

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