V60 Dripper Stand (size 02). Parameterized model included

A stand for the V60 dripper (size 02), has a reservoir so you can let any residual water drain out.
2h 20m
1× print file
0.20 mm
0.40 mm
27.00 g
updated July 11, 2022



This dripper stand is made specifically for the Hario size 02 plastic dripper, but I've provided my original Fusion 360 file (f3d) which is fully parameterised. The provided version of the .3mf and .stl has an inside diameter of 50mm. If the inside lip of your dripper is a different diameter, simply change the “BasinWidth” parameter of the f3d model. Everything should resize with the changed dimensions.

When printing i recommend using PETG if you will place the dripper with hot residual water in the stand. 

I also recommend setting perimeters to 4 or 5 to ensure it's properly watertight. The provided 3mf has a perimeter setting of 5. 


Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
