Look at the pictures to see how to assemble it.
Updated 2024-01-23:
- Made the rim/spring stronger. OK now, but still holds not perfect together. Consider to glue it ;)
- Chamfer instead of a fillet (suggested from @LibertyBeta_67371 )
- Chamfer on the number windows to make the number better visible and attach the pins correctly in stl (suggested from @Oxmstr)
The author remixed this model.
Differences of the remix compared to the original
Remixed / Forked Model from @Tritol
- I flipped the case on the print bed to skip all that print supporting. Therefore it was necessary to attach the spring on the case_rim. This gives also the chance to print the spring with different (elastic) material than the case.
- Added some notches for "snap in"-mount. This should also give a better hint how to orient the parts to put all together.
- A chamfer on slightly thicker pins should prevent breaking.
- Some minor changes to the scad file