Perfect for my Pax 2, useful!

Works great! Printed it the same color as a Pax box and they pair beautifully. Thanks for sharing 😊
The print that gets the most usage haha
Prints really well and works perfectly with a PAX Mini. Since the oven screens for the PAX 2, 3, Plus, and Mini are all the same, I suspect this should work with all of them. Thank you!
PAX funnel and tamper. I didn’t understand the scoop part at first, but it’s a measuring spoon, not a scoop. It measures perfectly. This is a must-have print!
If somebody else is wondering, this works perfectly with the mini, no scaling needed. Thanks for sharing this :)
Would this fit the mini? I know the oven on the pax 3 is bigger but the only difference is the depth or all the dimensions are different?
Can I sell physical 3d prints of this design?
This makes loading the pax so easy.
Thank you so much for sharing this.