Honeycomb wall organizer (not compatible with the original)

This is honeycomb wall organizer for my small home workshop. Be careful, this is not compatible with the original one!!
3h 27m
30× print file
0.20 mm
0.15 mm
0.40 mm
47.00 g
11 k
updated June 9, 2024



Nice work. Every part fits ok

Hello there
I have one question does the honeycomb and other parts fit each other?? I mean all from this downloaded parts

anyone else having a problem with the download on this one?

You should really include the words "NOT COMPATIBLE WITH ORIGIONAL HONEYCOMB WALL" in the title. At the very least, in the description.

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@LiborzRadotina I read that the first time I saw your models. My point was that it would be a good idea to include it in the title or description, as well as the details. I'm sure we can both agree that there are people who might not read the details and don't find out that it doesn't work with their existing honeycomb wall until they have printed it out.
Your work looks good, btw. My constructive criticism was only about the presentation, not the construction. Good work.

Boooo. Seems very rude to make such a similar design to one that is so popular and yet make it incompatible.

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@LiborzRadotina ??? I did read it. what makes you think I didn't? that doesn't change my response. You posted this as a remix of the original design, which is where everyone else posts USEFUL things expanding on the original design, YOU should "be smart" and un-publish this.

@BryanDodson_647145 I see....you are new here, no experiences, no original or remixed models published. Please, let me inform you that remixed model is significantly modified original design not its expansion.

Can you change the name? People make accessories for both and there's no way of telling which one they are for because they both have the same name

Remixed to fit the regular HSW and

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