A quick and easily printable tag holder. The print has two version, a vertical and horizontal one. The model also has a blank area on the back where a logo can be inserted using Prusa Slicer.
The model is designed to fit a standard size card/worker tag. The hole in the back of the model is to allow easy removal of the tag if needed.
The back side of the tag is plain in order to allow adding a logo (A version with a spade is included).
I suggest using and making adjustments to the mf3 files rather than making ones on your own. However, if you choose to slice this yourself, the model is designed to be printed upside down with 4-5mm spacing between supports to allow easy support removal.
Also, I suggest adding support blockers along the sides so there are no supports under the little bridges that hold the card, the printer should be able to easily close the gaps between the wall and the supports.
The supports should look somewhat like this:
The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.