Otto modular robot customizable with OpenSCAD

Design using OpenSCAD which you can modify to customize or further improve. Made by Martin Perdeaux
updated March 6, 2023



The software has also been modified specifically for this model and his brothers:

Father Christmas just looks great with his beard and hat. 

So called because he has a range of hats and hair styles which reminded me of logo and he's in the traditional colors of the original technical Lego.

I'm currently using a Hictop 3DP17 which is a very cheap 3D printer but did a great job of printing this model so it should be possible to reproduce on most printers.

I use Cura to slice the parts and I have included a file 'Cura_Printer_Start_G-Code.txt' which I cut and paste into the printers start gcode. It will store all (most of them, missing ones can be added) of the slicers settings into the gcode files, which I found useful for later reference.

Typical settings for most of the prints are:

Layer Height    0.2mm
Infill             20%
Support         typically no but some parts do need it
Fuzzy Skin      typically no but some models benefit from it (Christmas hat)

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Model origin

The author remixed this model.


Highlighted models from creator

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