Hello, and welcome! My name is Sebastian, and I'm a Freshman at Suncoast Community Highschool in Florida. xMOD's mission is to offer an essentially upgradable house, where you can start with the barebones and work your way up. All the files below are the ones I've used to create my physical prototype for my Instructables Entry. For more information regarding xMod you can visit this link on my entry (will be linked once posted).
P.S - I also included the STEP file for my first house model, it includes joints, components, and more, so feel free to check that out as well!
That's it for now, feel free to message me or comment any questions. I'll be continuing to update and work on this project so I'll include edits if any come up. Thanks for checking out xMOD, and happy printing!
The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.