Otto got arms and LED matrix to look similar to a "Human". Assemble with our Builder Kit H or create your own using the opensource designs.
I recommend to first check all documentation for the Otto DIY Starter if you are a beginner and ONLY then you can try to play with more advanced features of this Humanoid.
if you want to modify the design you can access the CAD source here. Otto Humanoid is design using Fusion 360 by Autodesk a 3D modeling software, alternately you can use TinkerCAD that is online, you can modify Otto parts for further improvements or create new accessories for new features.
Gather all the off the shelf hardware parts that you'll need for this assembly and follow the video and the .PDF in the files.
If you see some misalignment in the movements check that you center your servos before assembly but if you want more precise walk and movements then you can do some electronic calibration as we explain in this blog post article:
We invested lots of time and resources to provide open source code, software and hardware, please support this project by just giving us a ❤ Like and share and you are welcome to be a part of this friendly community of robot builders, teachers and makers.
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The author remixed this model. Imported from Thingiverse.
This one has arma and a LED mouth + extra sensors you could add.