Inspired by both How2Texan's and Waikikiprod's entry for the Name Tag contest, I made a series of English letters and numbers that people can configure and attach to any 2020 or 2040 aluminum extrusions however they please.
There are two styles here, intended for 2020 and 2040 extrusions respectively. The 2020 style includes two variations of both raised and indented text. All text is made using stencil font.
Each piece should be easy to snap into the extrusions and should be easy to remove afterwards either with a hex wrench(or some other small and long tool) or simply sliding it off the end of the profile. If you ever feel like these parts are a bit too tight or loose for whatever reason, you can fix that simply by adjusting the expansion settings on your slicer by every .1mm or so (horizontal expansion on Cura for example).
The author remixed this model.