I remixed this to fit my optical sensor and use the magnets available to purchase at Harbor Freight.
updated June 1, 2022



I was inspired by the TinyRM designed by Technik Gegg, so I modeled a sensor like his to fit my printer and resources.  I think this (Technik Gegg's) design is a very clean and well-thought-out design.  I am still modifying my remix to make it better, but as of right now it seems to be working.  the main change I made was rotating the sensor 90 degrees to the moving arm so that I could guarantee when the optical sensor would be tripped. 

side note, the moving arm had to be trimmed slightly after printed to make sure it lined up well with the optical sensor.  I also used M2 threaded insert to hold the cover on.

Model origin

The author remixed this model.

TinyRM - Smallest possible filament run-out monitor
by Technik Gegg
Original model was switched to draft or deleted
