I designed the mounting parts for this field-assembly antenna to be strong yet easily taken apart for transport.
The “boom” is 20mm pvc electrical conduit, and the elements are 6mm solid aluminium rod.
The mountings consist of a threaded part that mounts on to the round pvc pipe, with a "screw" part that glues onto the 6mm rod at the correct offset so that it is centre when screwed in. I also added an end cap so that you can store the elements inside the pipe for traveling. The end cap has holes for the moxon bends that can't fit inside the pipe
You can print as many of the parts you need for the yogi or moxon, or a combination as per the pictures. The antenna spacing is not my design - there are lots of resources for antenna design, so I won't discuss that. This is merely for building that antenna. Have fun with it
The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.