BDSM Modern (self) Bondage Fiddle with rotating hand-holes, parametric

This is a 3D printable (self) bondage/BDSM fiddle, that requires no supports.
40 k
updated January 14, 2024



(.stl files should be the right size again)

This is a 3D printable bondage fiddle, which consists of 3 layers that are screwed together. For the Hands the shackles have an eliptical fit, so it should sit very snug, while still allowing you to spinn your hands, and perform tasks :D. I split it so it can fit on my prusa i3, and chose 3 layers for printability without support structures and for the hinges.

It is also suitable for selfbondage, since the lock is easy to reach if on top, you just have to worry about getting the bolt in the hole from the bottom. But don't worry, the lock is pretty much impossible to reach if its hanging on the downside.
Also, i recommend having the side with the screwheads facing up when doing self bondage, so you could unscrew them in a emergency.

If you are using a laser cutter or 2D CNC machine, i recommend victoria_corazon‘s remix:

Just measure your necks diameter (at the broadest place, or measure the circumference and calculate) and round it up a little. Note that your neck is eliptical but the fiddle has a round hole. If you need another Size, just modify it in the Fusion360 file (by changing the parameters). The same applies if your hands don't fit in the shackles, the standart sizes of the hands are:
S = 54mm x 41mm.
M = 59.5mm x 44.5mm.
L = 63mm x 48mm.
(with times height, as measured by an calipher)

You can use the shackles with one or two screws, and i'd recommend to glue each halfes together. Either have all the cutouts on one side for it to be screwed locked to your hands, or move them to the other side for it to hold onto your hands without screwing them shut. They won’t open anyway as soon as they’re inside the fiddle. Just try it out without glueing them together first.

I also did a version that doesn't have nuts, and can be used with regular M3x20mm bolts, instead of the uncommon M3x23mm bolts. It also doesn't require nuts anymore. I did so by decreasing the size of the hole. I recommend to use a threadcutter though. This version is only avivable as an .f3d file though, so you need to have Fusion for your sizes.

I furthermore recommend this remake by Barzangi of the bolt, which uses a neodym magnet to make self-bondage easier.

~Enjoy your fun bondage times!~


Hardware required:

26 x M3x23mm hexagon socket (allen) screws
26 x M3 hexagon nuts

9 x M4x20mm hexagon socket (allen) screws
9 x M4 hexagon nuts

A rather big Padlock


Print Settings





13-23% Gyroid



It should be very sturdy if printed with dense (13-23%) gyroid infill, and 3-6 parameters, but parameters are more important for it to be sturdier.
You also might want to increase your extrusion with to 140%, and i would recommend to use a large nozzle in general.




The Main Body


I added a label on every part, which indicates how to assemble everything.
Left/ Right: which side it belongs to
Layer 1;2;3, layer 3 is the top layer, parts which go over multible layers will be labeled 2.
Top/ Middle/ Bottom, top is for the neck parts, the middle the parts with the lock, and bottom are the clips which close around the shackles.
You won't have to glue anything of the main part.


The Shackles


The shackles are labeled with A and B instead of left and right. And one shackle is mirrored, so all it's parts labels are too.
When you assemble the shackles you have two options, one to have only one hinge, which will add the option to screw them shut around your wrists, and two having two hinges which will allow for them to hold onto your wrists without having/ beeing able to screw them shut.
For Option 2 you will just have to swap out the layer 2 parts, which are labeled AB2 or BA2. The first letter beeing for Option 1, and the second for Option 2.
In the end you will have to glue the parts together, three for Option 2, and two times three for Option 1. But i recommend to assemble them dry first, and only glue them together once you are certain abour where everything belongs.

Option 1, There's only one Hinge with all the cutouts at it:



Option 2, there are two hinges, allowing you to open and close the shackles easily:



14.01.2024: Model sizes should be accurate now, and not just the same for every folder.

22.12.2020: I updated the Fusion File to make custumization easier, by adding more parameters.
28.12.2020: I made everything more ordered by using a zipped up folder structure. I also added an assembly guide, with labels on the parts. I also added more size options for the hand holes.
01.05.2021: I added the no Nut version, which allows to use M3x20 bolts, and doesn't require nuts anymore




Printing and using this design comes at your own risk, i am not liable for any kind of damages to people or things. It is highly advised not to use this thing alone without able to call for help prepared.

The “Option 2” picure, as well as picture 2 and 11 do not belong to me. They are from makes that dissappeared since thingiverse shadowbanned my designs.


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.


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