HGH Linear Rail Upgrade on X carriage and Taller Z axis for 3018 PRO-ver

This is for a taller Z axis, 120mm, and to use HGH linear rails to eliminate movement on the spindle and spindle mount.
14h 12m
1× print file
0.30 mm
0.40 mm
282.00 g
updated April 19, 2023



Great design. Fits the larger linear rails perfectly. Made the whole spindle assembly rock solid. My first carve has perfect lines. Thanks!

Hola amigo de casualidad es posible hacerlo más alto?

@DARKARV2_567469 It is possible yes, however you do not really need it any taller as this introduces more flex into the part. Plus you only need it taller for a longer cutting bit as it is limited by the bottom of the rail block anyways.

Es posible que sí, sin embargo, realmente no lo necesita más alto ya que esto introduce más flexibilidad en la pieza. Además, solo lo necesita más alto para una broca de corte más larga, ya que de todos modos está limitado por la parte inferior del bloque de rieles.

Worked great once i got it all connected, the motor might struggle a little if you dont clean off the rails, i used brake cleaner and gt85.

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