Ultimate Massive Darkness 2 organizer - Sleeved Kickstarter Edition - The Rest (All-in)

Massive Darkness 2 organizer (remix, requires original files from Thingiverse)
updated September 5, 2022



This is a remix from Thingiverse and requires requires original files from:

Ultimate Massive Darkness 2 organizer - Sleeved Kickstarter Edition


This is a remix, you're going to want to print everything from [Ultimate Massive Darkness 2 organizer - Sleeved Kickstarter Edition](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5268184) except the Ranger Box

First, I remixed the ranger box to have a grip hole on both sides of the arrow cards.

Then I made organizers to keep the the last 2 enemy boxes in the "Four Horsemen" box. Next, I organized the "Rainbow Crossing" (RC) box so that it would fit sleeved cards.

Further, I wanted to store the "Kickstarter Upgrade Pack" (KUP). You can ditch the clear mini trays from Rainbow Crossing and print the spacers (0 top and bottom layers) to bring all of the pieces up to the same level (sorry, there will be noticeable lid lift). The Instructions will need to be kept in the main MD2 box.

Finally, I made a standalone box to hold the "Zombicide Fantasy Crossover" cards (some items, like the boss card and instructions, will need to be stored in the main MD2 box). I don't have sleeves for the Zombicide cards so I applied the maximum 65% increase I measured from the other components.

The "Zombicide Fantasy Crossover" box was printed with a .4mm nozzle at .3mm resolution. Everything else was printed with a .8mm nozzle at .6mm resolution.

I did not print individual "Zombicide Fantasy Crossover" (ZFC) component holders, I'm including those for someone that might want to put those items in another box instead of printing their own box.

I used Mayday Premium Sleeves.

I have no good ideas regarding the "Demon Dragon" box, I just sleeved the cards and then bagged all the tokens and cards and left the plastic insert in place, that dragon is just too unwieldy to do anything else (as far as I can imagine).

For the other big minis that don't have homes, I had to use two Feldherr LBM150 boxes.

Everything was designed in Fusion360 (emulating WingsOfDaidalos's style as much as I could) except the Ranger box, which I hacked up in Windows 3D builder.


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation. Imported from Thingiverse.
