Hidden Hardware House Numbers

Full range of house numbers in a bold, modern font to set your house apart from the neighbors.
updated May 28, 2022



PETG or ABS recommended for outdoor durability. 

I used 20% infill and .35mm print detail, printed in black PETG then spray painted silver.

Printed at the current size the keyholes will fit any decking screw or #8 button head screw for mounting. A tight, friction fit is possible as long as you install your screws into the wall as closely as possible while still allowing the plastic to get pushed into place. I used 2 keyholes per number to help ensure alignment and prevent pivoting. Numbers have identical keyhole placement to help with making template guides for placement (except for the 4 and 7).

Current size fits a 4x4 pole nicely (pictured). Any changes to scale/size will probably need different hardware. Follow this link for the keyhole I used if you want to design your own numbers or if you plan on scaling up or down massively: Keyhole Pocket for CAD Design


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