A detailed wooden sword/axe rack. Designed for ttrpgs, wargaming, and dioramas.
updated December 23, 2022



A fast-to-print Sword Rack for fantasy tabletop games. You can print several, paint them all at once, and have them ready for your game in no time. Perfect for adding detail to bandit camps, military outposts, barracks, or any other number of encounter locals.

I designed these for my own D&D game, and optimized them to be printed on an FDM printer, with a 0.4mm nozzle. For best result/speed, I'd recommend printing a batch of Sword Racks at a 0.05mm layer height for high detail. I'm impressed with the level of detail achieved with PLA. If you try printing these out with an SLA printer, definitely let me know :)

All of these are designed for 28mm scale. The A-Frames are made to stand upright without any support. The Brace be pushed down onto them (the tolerances allow it to slot right into place - or the two can be glued together permanently.


Part of a broader Fantasy Military Scatter Collection I'm working on to quickly print and populate combat environments. Related models include:


I may create more variations and add them over time - so be sure to keep an eye on this page for more models.

As always, I'd love to see how you all print these and use them in your games. Please add makes/pictures so others can get some ideas for how to use them!


How to Make Scale Swords for the Rack

Just a little bit of extra here for folks who want to make these look a bit more real. If you don't have access to pre-existing miniature swords, or an SLA printer to reliably create some, here's a quick and dirt-cheap process for making your own at the right scale.

Things you'll need:

  • A cheap plastic hair comb
  • A few hair pins
  • Card stock (cereal-box cardboard will do great)
  • A pair of wire cutters (to cut the hair pins)

Step 1: Cut a number of tines off of the plastic comb - these are going to be the blades. Make sure the cut-end is relatively flat.

Step 2: Clip the nub-end of the hair clips, so that you are left with the nub and ~2mm of straight pin. These will be your hilt and pommel.

Step 3: Cut small rectangles of the card stock to be as wide as the blade is thick, and long enough to extend slightly beyond the blade's width. These will be your handguards.

Step 4: Use a dab of super glue (cyanoacrylate) at the base of the blade, and attach it to a handguard. Let this set - or use a superglue kicker.

Step 5: Use a dab of super glue on the other side of the handguard, and join it up with the hilt. Let this set - or use a kicker to speed it up.

Step 6: (optional) Since superglue is a little brittle, thin out some Mod Podge, and dab it around the connection hilt of the sword. Let this dry completely.

And with that, you can have several to-scale swords that fit perfectly in the rack!


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
