This model has 4 STL files: the whole file, two half files, and the lid file. When I printed mine it was printed on an Ender 2 v2 witches build volume is 220 by 220 by 250 so I had to split it into two pieces but if your printers build volume is at least 250 in the X and 250 in the Y axis then you can probably print the entire thing at once. If you print it in two pieces I recommend attaching them with hot glue and I used the tip of the hot glue gun to smooth out the transition from one piece to the next (Optional). When assembling I also recommend using LED strips with no plastic casing around the strip because if you hot glue them it makes it harder to get them to stick but you can. I did so it is just a suggestion. Also when putting the lids on I used the tip of the hot glue gun (A soldering iron may also work) to melt the two pieces of plastic together but you don’t need to do it for long or it will make the edges of the lid not smooth and look bad. I also just drilled a hole out the side for the wires and I made it in a way where the loop of strips can start and stop anywhere so you can put that hole for the wires anywhere. I am also powering and controlling it with an Arduino Uno but any other microcontrollers will work.
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