Formula 3 Logo - 3D Freestanding F3 Logo

Freestanding F3 logo with discrete backing to keep the letter and number in place and upright.
updated May 22, 2022



A simple but effective freestanding 3D F3 logo.

The logo is designed with a discrete backing to keep the lettering upright and spaced. The backing also means no base is needed as the logo is self supported.

Perfect as a home decoration or desk ornament.

Simple and quick print with no supports required when printed face up.

Originally designed at 150mm wide, 50mm tall and 20mm deep.
Can be scaled to any size to suit your preference.

Also included is a version with a plinth just in case anyone would prefer the design with a base to it (F3-Freestanding-Plinth.stl).

If you enjoy this print then please do share your make, I would love to see what colours and filaments you chose for your print.

If you have any questions about 3D printing, whether it be queries or you need some tips or tricks feel free to reach out in the comments or by message, I am always more than happy to help if I can!


Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
