Flag Carabiner Clip (Indoors only)

Hybrid clip / carabiner to attach flags to the rope of a flag pole.
1× print file
0.15 mm
0.40 mm
4.00 g
In the contest Last Meters
updated April 4, 2024



Ultimately, I've come to the conclusion that this design is doomed for use in outdoor conditions, because a strong enough wind will still pull it off the rope.

Interessante ma le aperture sono un po' deboli

Going to try them out. I don't understand the ziz-zag in the back - is that the part that holds the flag?

@DanRogers The flag is supposed to be attached by the carabiner end. The zig zag was intended to clip on to the rope hosting the flag. Unfortunately, that part proved unsatisfactory in actual wind conditions (not having a wind tunnel in my basement, I was unable to test in advance), so I had to redesign it. I’ll upload an updated version soon.

@DanRogers the newer version is now uploaded. It still is not entirely storm proof, so I'll have to keep iterating some more.

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