Star Trek Attack Wing / Alliance AI base overlay

Base overlay for Star Trek Attack Wing / Alliance to convert any ship to an AI ship, or for casual play.
updated May 15, 2022



This base overlay shows the arcs needed for the AI system introduced by Star Trek Alliance Dominion War Campaign, and can be used to turn any ship into an AI ship.

(Please ignore the image showing a base ship card from a different universe - this was “commissioned” work inspired by my design for the Star Wars X-Wing game, I didn't have any Star Trek Attack Wing bases or cards available. But the sizes are identical to that used in X-Wing.)

It can be used either on top of the usual ship base card, or by itself. In the latter case, the inner hole will need to be slightly enlarged (easiest with a deburring tool, but a hobby knife will work as well), as it is designed to be a very tight fit.

By printing many in different colours, these can also be used to colour-code ships or squadrons of ships.


Since the grooves are (on purpose) very small and I didn't mind the long print time, I printed these with a 0.25mm nozzle and finest detail for the topmost layers - but you can easily (and much more quickly) print these with a “usual” 0.4mm nozzle, with only slightly lesser quality for the grooves.


The diameter of the central hole is on purpose slightly too small, to guarantee a tight fit without much movement. Depending on the tolerances of your printer (and the material you use - I used both PLA+ and silk PLA), you might have to shave off a little bit of the inner circle (easiest with a deburring tool, but a hobby knife will work as well).


I included the Fusion 360 design file, in case anybody wants to make changes or adjustments. 

Version History

2022-05-15: v2, added 2nd model with more arcs at 0, 45, 90 degree angles, made those lines thinner.

2022-05-14: v1


Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
