Stratocaster Style Hexagon Guitar Body

This is a remix. The design from Smadoo sadly was to big for my Mini so I redesigned it to fit and went for another look
updated May 14, 2022



This is a remix of the Honeycomb Stratocaster Body by Smadoo which itself is a remix of the Honeycomb Stratocaster Body by Conceptor. The design from Smadoo sadly was to big for my Prusa Mini so I redesigned it to fit my printer and went for another look while I was redesigning it anyway.

I also changed the centering system from the pegs to a dovetail system cause I think it is beneficial for strength of the whole body.

The central structure (parts A-B-C) also have holes for 3mm metal pins (you can also use M3 bolts if you cut there heads off) to get this part straight until you slide on (and glue at the same time) the side parts. 


Print settings

You will need supports for the dovetails. 

I would suggest to use 0.2 mm layer height, at least 7 perimeters and 20 top and bottom solid layers.

You can print the parts D, E and G standing up so you don´t need supports for the dovetail (will also help with the overhang on the bottom side of E) but this may caue different appearences of the surface of the whole body in the end.

I used PLA. I am pretty sure any other material will work too, but since you shouldn't expose an instrument to temperature fluctuations anyway, I think PLA isn't a bad choice.

Yes you will need more then 2 kg of filament.


Post processing

Check the fitting of your dovetails. I would suggest sanding them only so much that the are very tight but you can move the parts with some force by your bare hands.

Glue the central parts (A, B & C) togheter. I used super glue (CA glue), actual multiple small bottles) but i am quiet confident a 2C epoxy-based glue will work too.

Now you can add the side parts (D-I). The overlaps in the dovetails will give the whole body its strenght. 

You can now sand the whole body if you want, or keep it a bit rough, however you like it.


Building the Guitar

I made the body as a present and the assembly wasn´t done by me, so if you have questions no problem but I will likely have to ask for myself so it may need a bit of time until you get an answer.

Parts used:

  • Neck: we bought the neck lokaly at a store but as far as we know it should be an original fender neck and it fitted perfectly.
  • Most of the other parts we ordered at, I won´t link them all sepreatly cause you certainly want to get parts that fit your body color.
  • Some parts were also salvaged from other projects, but I am sure you will get everthing you need at Thomann or any other big music store.

You will have to drill some holes for the screws of the pickguard, the socket and the back cover, but that should not be a problem cause 20 layers with 0.2 mm will give you solid 4 mm which shoud be more than enough.


Model origin

The author remixed this model.
