I support the Dark Souls - The Board Game kickstarter kampagne and just got the copy of my game. My aim was to make a organizer for the cards and beeing able to close the box completly (OCD and so on).
This part is not a remix of the design by entropy86 - I just wanted to add his source for alle the people who don't want to use zip-lock bags and don't mind if the box isn't closed completly.
The included card-holder-thingy is really crappy, once you open the packages. So I designed two holders for the different card sizes.
One is for the bigger boss card. The other one isfor the loot and encounter cards (you will need two of those). I put all the tokens and dice in a zip-lock back.
Category: Toy & Game Accessories
The author marked this model as their own original creation. Imported from Thingiverse.