'wearable' T60b Power Armor from Fallout 4 Brotherhood of Steel

THIS PROJECT IS ON PAUSE I just don't have the time anymore right now.
11 k
updated February 4, 2020




I just don't have the time anymore right now. I regularly get messages from some of you for the source files. So I released them in the zip-archive called "source" as .ipt (Autodesk Investor) and .stp.

Right now I plan on building a wearable version which ist scaled down a little bit so you want need an "Extension" for the Legs and Arms....let's See, when I find time to complete that Project....

I want to build / model a complete Power Armor from Fallout 4 - because this is quiete a large project with many problems. For the first models I just took directly the game models. Many fields are involved - not only 3D/ CAD-modeling, also robotics (hand operation, opening mechanism for frame) and some parts of genral mechanical prozesses (for example the complete leg assembly). The plan is to let the hand rotate about a range of 180°.

Have Fun.

UPDATE 12/19/2016
I just uploaded the near final version of the hand. It now has 2 mounts for 28BYJ-48 steppers motors inside the palm to operate the fingers - I plan an using one for the thumb and the other for the rest of the 4 fingers. I printed a first prototype and found out that the joints I printed (100% infill) were way to stiff.
I also added the first part of Update 0.5 - the lower arm. It has all parts to make the wrist rotate (including 2 additional 28BYJ-48 motor mounts) but the way up the arm is not completed yet.

UPDATE 02/02/2016
For all people wondering, what I am on to: I just uploaded a version of the hand with bigger tolerances.
Also I am restarting the lower arm section from scratch (again) - I working on a rotation-mechanism for the hand and uploaded a picture how the final version could look like.
In this design the three small gears (only one will be driven by a stepper motor) also center the hand part to the lower arm.

UPDATE 0.4 01/08/2016
I just finished the (right) hands first version. Shoutouts to the people who inspired me are mentioned in the last update. I re-organized the download-folder and added all old files to the 'LEGACY'-Archive. The most recent version only contains the hand (Version 0.4) which I build from scratch.
For assembly you will need parts 001, 002 and 003 (index+ring finger) two and part 015 (the joint - has to be printed in flexible filament) fifteen times. Part 016 (mold) is for those people who can't print with flexible filament and instead want to build the joints with silicone.
Also you will need some sort of cord to actuate the fingeres, the holes are sized 2 mm - I'd suggest some nylon- or fishing-cord. The wrist is designed to be attached to the lower arm with two M8 hex-head-screws.
I haven't printed the hand yet - if you want to print print one finger and the joints first to check if it actually works. I remodeld some parts for bigger tolerances in all connections.
Next point on the agenda: the lower arm.

UPDATE 12/27/2015
The work on the robotic hand is going on slowly - but I decided to go for something like this:
For now I have added a rough model and picture for the concept I am going to build for the legs / feet. After long times of tinkering I couldn't get it worked out with printed parts only. So I designed feet made from wood and added a 'skeleton' made from aluminium profiles and printed braces. The opening mechanism for the lower and upper legs are operated by bowden cables.
Regards to XRobots for the inspirtion - visit his website:
I added a near-final version of the hand. Now I am mostly working on the lower arm (which will probably be nothing like the original frame, less detailed, more practical to strap on some armor and house the servos and circuit board to manage the hand movement).

ALPHA/Preview 0.4 11/25/2015
This preview-version only contains the parts of the right (robotic armor-frame) hand. Part 003 is the hands complete assembly, 004 is the lower arm, 004a-004k are all parts of the hand and parts 005 and 006 are the parts from which the lower arm is made (= assembled in 004) with the 'opening-mechanism' when entering the power armor.

UPDATE 0.3 11/21/2015

  • cut 001 T60B-helmet into 9 smaller pieces to make it actual printable (ATTENTION: single-shell model)
  • reworked 013, 014, 016, 017 to make the model working with an actual joint
    UPDATE 0.2 11/20/2015

  • reworked 008 "T60B-chest_back-upper02" with model parts from power armor frame to make it actual wearable, closed holes in mesh, added supports to attach shoulder-armor

  • reworked 012 "012 T60B-chest_front-upper02" with model parts from power armor frame to make it compatible with 008 "T60B-chest_back-upper02"
  • reworked 013, 014, 016, 017 to make the model "theoretical" wearable, connected lower leg + foot, reinforeced with parts from the power armor frame model
  • added Texture_PowerArmorFrame, maybe print it on a morph-suite and use it to mimic frame

UPDATE 0.1 11/19/2015
I have added T60b-wearable-0.1.rar archive whicht contains the whole T60b armor (without frame) broken into 17 individual pieces which could be scaled and printed to fit your body.
Known issues:

  • parts need further break-down into smaller pieces to be printed on smaller printers
  • poor resolution

Print instructions

Category: Video Games


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation. Imported from Thingiverse.
